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Fun and informative!
It's not a scholar's book, more a book for people who are excited about the topic, and want to know more.
I don't think the objective is to be exhaustive, the author deliberately picks up specific topics related to some comic book images, and he goes deeper in each topic by offering a smart combo of generic info and anecdotes.
Don't buy the book if you want to apply for a job in finance, rather buy it if you want to get a better cultural understanding of this world and its jargon.
I also quite loved the anecdotes, informative and funny!
Fun and informative!
It's not a scholar's book, more a book for people who are excited about the topic, and want to know more.
I don't think the objective is to be exhaustive, the author deliberately picks up specific topics related to some comic book images, and he goes deeper in each topic by offering a smart combo of generic info and anecdotes.
Don't buy the book if you want to apply for a job in finance, rather buy it if you want to get a better cultural understanding of this world and its jargon.
I also quite loved the anecdotes, informative and funny!