Justice League Vol.2 (2011)
INT02. The Villain's Journey
Une BD de
Geoff Johns
Jim Lee
chez DC Comics
- 2013
Johns, Geoff
Lee, Jim
Finch, David
D'Anda, Carlos
Van Sciver, Ethan
Reis, Ivan
Oback, Sonia
Eltaeb, Gabe
Aviña, Tony
Lyon, Art
Pantazis, Pete
Sinclair, Alex
Prado, Joe
Irwin, Mark
Hunter, Rob
Glapion, Jonathan
Banning, Matt
Garner, Alex
Scott, Trevor
Williams, Scott
Weems V, Joe
Van Sciver, Ethan
D'Anda, Carlos
Finch, David
Hope, Sandra
Ha, Gene
Cipriano, Sal
Brosseau, Pat
Napolitano, Nick J.
Lee, Jim
Sinclair, Alex
Williams, Scott
01/2013 (30 janvier 2013) 176 pages 9781401237646 Format comics 212667
Now that the team's origin story is complete, we shift to the present-day Justice League! What has changed? Who has joined the team since? And why does Green Arrow want to join those ranks so badly? Plus, someone is out to get the Justice League, and he is determined to show the world how mortal these godlike beings really are!
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