Journey into Mystery (2011)
INT03. The Terrorism Myth
Une BD de
Kieron Gillen
Mitch Breitweiser
chez Marvel Comics
- 2012
Gillen, Kieron
Breitweiser, Mitch
Elson, Rich
Breitweiser, Bettie
Hans, Stéphanie
09/2012 (31 octobre 2012) 120 pages 9780785161066 Format comics 175315
The Serpent, Norse god of fear, has been vanquished, thanks to Loki -once the god of mischief, now reborn as a child trying to fi nd his own path. Fear Itself was the stuff of nightmares, and now those nightmares are threatening to destroy the world. Daimon Hellstrom, Son of Satan, is investigating a string of bizarre deaths - and all signs point to Loki. Literally. Like, on a map. But as the infernal exorcist and young god battle, the fear lord Nightmare is gathering enough fear energy to rule the world. And the mother lode is inside Loki's mind.
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