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Couverture de Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -1Free- Armageddon days
©Marvel Comics 2010 Fraction, Matt/Larroca
Parution en 04/2010. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 08/03/2010 (Dernière modification le 13/09/2011 à 20:21) par jmc95

Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008)

1Free. Armageddon days

Une BD de et Salvador Larroca chez Marvel Comics - 2010

04/2010 32 pages Format comics 106268

  • Currently 0.00/10
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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -1Free- Armageddon days

    Tome 1
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -16- World's Most Wanted, Part 9: Titan of the Nuclear Age

    Tome 16
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -25- Stark resilient part 1 : Hammer girls

    Tome 25
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -26- Stark resilient part 2 : visionary men

    Tome 26
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -27- Stark resilient part 3 : this is what we do

    Tome 27
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -28- Stark resilient part 4 : grand mal Tokyo moron party

    Tome 28
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -29- Stark resilient part 5 : predators and prey in their natural environments

    Tome 29
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -30- Stark resilient part 6 : Tony, we don't want to destroy you

    Tome 30
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -31- Stark resilient part 7 : sabot

    Tome 31
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -32- Stark resilient part 8 : drones scream down

    Tome 32
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -33- Stark resilient part 9 : the man in the box

    Tome 33
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -500- The new iron age

    Tome 500
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -5001- What it was like, what happened, and what it's like now

    Tome 500
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -501- Fix Me, part 1

    Tome 501
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -502- Fix Me, part 2: The God Number

    Tome 502
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -503- Fix Me, part 3: Fear Itself

    Tome 503
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -504- Fear itself part 1 : city of light, city of stone

    Tome 504
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -505- Fear itself part 2 : crakced actor

    Tome 505
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -506- Fear itself part 3 : the apostate

    Tome 506
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -507- Fear itself part 4 : fog of war

    Tome 507
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -508- Fear itself part 5 : if i ever get out of here

    Tome 508
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -509- Fear itself part 6 : mercy

    Tome 509
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -510- Demon part 1 : the beast in me

    Tome 510
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -511- Demon part 2 :exposure

    Tome 511
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -512- Demon part 3 : Control

    Tome 512
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -513- Demon part 4: control

    Tome 513
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -514- Demon part 5 : melt

    Tome 514
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -515- Demon part 6 : fall

    Tome 515
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -516- Long way down 1 : night of the long knives

    Tome 516
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -517- Long way down 2 : how to make a madman

    Tome 517
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -518- Long way down 3 : you ghosts of mine both new and old

    Tome 518
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -519- Long way down 4 : the work

    Tome 519
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -520- Long way down 5 : the dead and the dying

    Tome 520
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -521- The future part 1 : the demolished man

    Tome 521
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -522- The future part 2 : rings

    Tome 522
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -523- The future part 3 : swarm

    Tome 523
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -524- The future part 4: armor war

    Tome 524
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -525- The future part 5 : beating down the transhuman condition

    Tome 525
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -526- The future part 6 : independance day

    Tome 526
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -527- The future finale: the stars my destination

    Tome 527
  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT- Fear Itself

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT01- The five nightmares

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT02- World's most wanted book 1

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT03- World's most wanted book 2

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT04- Stark disassembled

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT05- Stark Resilient book 1

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT06- Stark Resilient book 2

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT07- My monsters

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT08- Infixable

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT09- Demon

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT10- Long way home

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -INT11- The future

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -OHC01- Deluxe Hardcover volume 1

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -OHC02- Deluxe Hardcover volume 2


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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • Invincible Iron Man Vol.2 (2008) -1Free- Armageddon days ©Marvel Comics 2010 Fraction, Matt/Larroca

    1Free . Armageddon days

    • 106268
    • Fraction, Matt
    • Larroca, Salvador
    • D'Armata, Frank
    • 04/2010
    • non coté
    • Marvel Comics
    • Format comics
    • 32
    • 08/03/2010 (modifié le 13/09/2011 20:21)

    Info édition : Marvel's Greatest Comics Edition (Free)