Invincible (2003)
OMNI03. Compendium vol.3
Une BD de
Robert Kirkman
Ryan Ottley
chez Image Comics
- 2018
Kirkman, Robert
Ottley, Ryan
Walker, Cory
Rauch, John
Fairbairn, Nathan
Beaulieu, Jean-François
Morales, Mark
Walker, Cory
Rathburn, Cliff
Ottley, Ryan
Vines, Dexter
Wooton, Rus
Ottley, Ryan
Fairbairn, Nathan
07/2018 (21 juillet 2018) 1104 pages 9781534306868 Format normal 464872
It's here: the third massive paperback collection of the greatest comic in the universe. Witness the conclusion of Mark Grayson's epic adventures, from "The Death of Everyone" to "The End of All Things."