Inhuman (2014)
INT02. Axis
Une BD de Charles Soule et Pepe Larraz chez Marvel Comics (All-New Marvel Now!) - 2015
03/2015 9780785187806 Format comics 410159
Thought dead by most of the world since INFINITY, Inhuman king Black Bolt steps back into the spotlight! Black Bolt and Maximus have been secretly involved with the New Avengers' activities for months now, but that's not even close to the whole story of their absence. The Boltagon brothers are in trouble - and it's going to end very badly for one of them! Meanwhile, Medusa's inversion thanks to the events of AXIS is making her a very different ruler of Attilan! What is the Ennilux Corporation, and how does it factor into the Inhumans' future? Reader... Lire la suite