I Am Batman (2021)
18. Motherless Child - Part 3
Une BD de
John Ridley
Duce, Christian
chez DC Comics
(DC Comics)
- 2023
Ridley, John
Duce, Christian
Pansica, Eduardo
Ferreira, Júlio
Lokus, Rex
Peteri, Troy
Duce, Christian
Lokus, Rex
03/2023 (15 février 2023) 22 pages Format comics 470552
Jace Fox is on the most urgent mission of his tenure as Batman: to save the life of his mother. At war with the domestic terror group called the Moral Authority, Jace fights a relentless battle alongside his sister Tiffany and a new hero who bridges DC’s past, present, and future as I Am Batman comes to a spectacular and emotional close.