Human Torch (2003)
INT. by Karl Kesel & Skottie Young: The Complete Collection
Une BD de
Karl Kesel
Skottie Young
chez Marvel Comics
- 2014
Kesel, Karl
Young, Skottie
Porter, Howard
Medina, Paco
Dodd, Joe
Studio F
Young, Skottie
07/2014 (13 aout 2014) 272 pages 9780785190981 Format normal 226148
Johnny Storm is the youngest member of the world-famous Fantastic Four, with the powers and temperament of fire itself. Impulsive, restless and thrill-seeking by nature, the Torch doesn't need to wait for the rest of the FF. He can get into trouble all by himself. Years ago, after gaining his powers, Johnny became the most popular student on his high-school campus. The Big Man on Campus until the Torch came along was Olympic-bound wrestler Mike Snow. The Snow/Storm rivalry reached a terrible climax when fighting over a girl. Snow never wanted to... Lire la suite