Hulk vs. Thor: Banner of War Alpha (2022)
Issue #1
Une BD de
Donny Cates
Martín Cóccolo
chez Marvel Comics
- 2022
Cates, Donny
Cóccolo, Martín
Wilson, Matthew
Sabino, Joe
Lim, Ron
Frank, Gary
Wilson, Matthew
Fajardo Jr., Romulo
Stegman, Ryan
Von Eeden, Trevor
Cóccolo, Martín
Silva, Israel
Mayer, J.P.
Blee, Federico
Shaw, Geoff
Anderson, Brad
05/2022 (11 mai 2022) 22 pages 0759606202485 Format comics 448416
Hulk and Thor have both undergone massive changes recently, but one thing remains constant — their heated rivalry! When mysterious circumstances bring them into conflict once more, will the God of Thunder be able to triumph against a Bruce Banner who can now control his rage? Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of both characters, this epic five-part crossover between the THOR and HULK series starts here in this oversized Alpha issue, brought to you by creators Donny Cates and Martin Coccolo! Key mysteries from both series will be revealed, as well... Lire la suite