House of M: Avengers (2007)
4. Issue #4
Une BD de
Gage, Christos
Perkins, Mike
chez Marvel Comics
(Marvel Limited Series)
- 2007
Gage, Christos
Perkins, Mike
Treviño, Raúl
Protobunker Studio
Perkins, Mike
Wooton, Rus
Virtual Calligraphy
Perkins, Mike
12/2007 (01 mars 2008) 22 pages Format comics 367296
Conflict threatens to tear apart the Avengers as they must choose whether to join the larger resistance against Magneto, or continue to focus their efforts locally. But they might not get the chance to decide, as the Kingpin and his assassins-Bullseye, Elektra, Gladiator and Typhoid Mary-make their move!