House of M (2005)
1. Book 1
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Olivier Coipel
chez Marvel Comics
- 2005
Bendis, Brian Michael
Coipel, Olivier
D'Armata, Frank
Townsend, Tim
Eliopoulos, Chris
Ribic, Esad
08/2005 24 pages Format comics 94897
The Scarlet Witch has killed a number of her fellow Avengers and continues to become more and more unstable despite the best efforts of Professor X and her father, Magneto. The X-Men meet with the old and new Avengers to discuss what is to be done about the problem she presents. Arriving in Genosha, our heroes cannot find Wanda and before they can track her down, the Scarlet Witch recreates the world according to her own design.