The hood (2002)
INT a. Blood From Stones
Une BD de
Brian K. Vaughan
Kyle Hotz
chez Marvel Comics
(Max Comics)
- 2007
Vaughan, Brian K.
Hotz, Kyle
Haberlin, Brian
Powell, Eric
Gentile, Randy
Sharpe, Dave
Villarrubia, José
Hotz, Kyle
07/2007 (01 aout 2007) 133 pages 0785128182 Format comics 164660
With great power... comes great opportunity. Nineteen-year-old Parker Robbins couldn't afford college, but he was able to buy a ski mask and a Lorcin .380 handgun. After dropping out of high school, he hoped to follow in the footsteps of his late father, a soldier in the Kingpin's vast criminal empire - but life in the mob isn't always as glorious as the movies make it seem. With a pregnant girlfriend, a demanding mistress and an institutionalized mother to care for, Parker can barely make ends meet. So when the small-time crook finds mystical... Lire la suite