Hellboy in Hell (2012)
7. The Hounds of Pluto - part 1
Une BD de
Mignola, Mike
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2015
Mignola, Mike
Mignola, Mike
Stewart, Dave
Robins, Clem
Mignola, Mike
08/2015 (26 aout 2015) 32 pages Format comics 306012
A sickness eats away at Hellboy. Though he's dead, he risks losing himself and becoming one of the hollow phantoms that haunt Hell. A team of doctors promise a cure, but they need something from him first . . . * "[Mike Mignola] has lost none of his touch, delivering page after page with cinematic action sequences, haunting imagery, and inventive layouts that all contribute to the sense that Hellboy is on the cusp of something huge." - IGN