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Couverture de Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -238- The Smoke
©DC Comics 2008 Diggle/Žeželj
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Album créé dans la bedetheque le 27/11/2011 (Dernière modification le 03/06/2018 à 10:44) par reg95

Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988)

238. The Smoke

Une BD de et Danijel Žeželj chez DC Comics (Vertigo) - 2008

01/2008 23 pages Format comics 146998

  • Currently 5.00/10
  • 1
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  • 6

Note: 5.0/5 (1 vote)

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -1- Hunger

    Tome 1
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -2- A feast of friends

    Tome 2
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -3- Going for it

    Tome 3
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -4- Waiting for the man

    Tome 4
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -5- When Johnny comes marching home.

    Tome 5
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -6- Extreme Prejudice

    Tome 6
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -7- Ghosts in the machine

    Tome 7
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -8- Intensive care

    Tome 8
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -9- Shot to Hell

    Tome 9
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -10- Sex and death

    Tome 10
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -11- Newcastle: A taste of things to come

    Tome 11
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -12- The devil you know

    Tome 12
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -13- On the beach

    Tome 13
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -14- The fear machine part 1: Touching the earth

    Tome 14
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -15- The fear machine part 2: Shepherd's warning

    Tome 15
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -16- The fear machine part 3: Rough justice

    Tome 16
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -17- The fear machine part 4: Fellow travellers

    Tome 17
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -18- The fear machine part 5: Hate mail & love letters

    Tome 18
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -19- The fear machine part 6: The broken man

    Tome 19
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -20- The fear machine part 7: Betrayal

    Tome 20
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -21- The fear machine part 8: The god of all gods

    Tome 21
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -22- The fear machine part 9: Balance

    Tome 22
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -23- Larger than life

    Tome 23
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -24- The family man

    Tome 24
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -25- Early Warning

    Tome 25
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -26- How I Learned to Love the Bomb

    Tome 26
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -27- Hold Me

    Tome 27
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -28- Thicker than water

    Tome 28
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -29- Sick at heart

    Tome 29
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -30- Fatality

    Tome 30
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -31- Mourning of the Magician

    Tome 31
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -32- New tricks

    Tome 32
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -33- Sundays are different

    Tome 33
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -34- The bogeyman

    Tome 34
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -35- Dead boys heart

    Tome 35
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -36- The undiscover'd country

    Tome 36
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -37- man's work

    Tome 37
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -38- Boy's game

    Tome 38
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -39- The hanged man

    Tome 39
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -40- The magus

    Tome 40
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -41- The beginning of the end

    Tome 41
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -42- A drop of the hard stuff

    Tome 42
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -43- friends in high places

    Tome 43
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -44- My way

    Tome 44
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -45- The sting

    Tome 45
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -46- Falling into hell

    Tome 46
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -47- The pub were i was born

    Tome 47
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -48- Love kills

    Tome 48
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -49- Lord of the dance

    Tome 49
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -50- Remarkable lives

    Tome 50
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -51- Counting to ten

    Tome 51
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -52- Royal blood part 1: The players

    Tome 52
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -53- Royal blood part 2: Revelations

    Tome 53
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -54- Royal blood part 3: The good old days

    Tome 54
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -55- Royal blood part 4: Dog eat dog

    Tome 55
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -56- This is the diary of Danny Drake

    Tome 56
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -57- Mortal clay

    Tome 57
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -58- Body and soul

    Tome 58
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -59- Fallen women

    Tome 59
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -60- Nativity infernal

    Tome 60
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -61- She's buying a stairway to heaven

    Tome 61
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -62- End of the Line

    Tome 62
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -63- Forty

    Tome 63
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -64- Fear and Loathing Part One: For God and Country

    Tome 64
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -65- Fear and Loathing Part Two: London Kills Me

    Tome 65
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -66- Fear and Loathing Part Three: Down to Earth

    Tome 66
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -67- End of the line

    Tome 67
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -68- Down all the day

    Tome 68
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -69- Hellblazer

    Tome 69
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -70- Heartland

    Tome 70
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -71- Finest hour

    Tome 71
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -72- Damnation's flame part 1: Brave new world

    Tome 72
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -73- Damnation's flame part 2: Broadway the hard way

    Tome 73
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -74- Damnation's flame part 3: Trail of tears

    Tome 74
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -75- Damnation's flame part 4: Hail to the chief

    Tome 75
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -76- Confessions of an irish rebel

    Tome 76
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -77- And the crowd goes wild

    Tome 77
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -78- Rake at the Gates of Hell, Part One

    Tome 78
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -79- Rake at the Gates of Hell, Part Two

    Tome 79
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -80- Rake at the Gates of Hell, Part Three

    Tome 80
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -81- Rake at the Gates of Hell, Part Four

    Tome 81
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -82- Rake at the Gates of Hell, Part Five

    Tome 82
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -83- The end of Rake at the Gates of Hell

    Tome 83
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -84- In another part of hell

    Tome 84
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -85- Warped notions part 1: The delicate power of terror

    Tome 85
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -86- Warped notions part 2: The everything virus

    Tome 86
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -87- Warped notions part 3: The shout

    Tome 87
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -88- Warped notions part 4: Mountains of madness

    Tome 88
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -89- Dreamtime

    Tome 89
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -90- Dangerous ground

    Tome 90
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -91- Riding the great lanes

    Tome 91
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -92- Critical Mass 1: Bait

    Tome 92
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -93- Critical Mass 2: Troubled Waters

    Tome 93
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -94- Critical Mass 3: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

    Tome 94
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -95- Critical Mass 4: Coming Up for Air

    Tome 95
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -96- Critical Mass 5: Hook Line & Sinker

    Tome 96
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -97- The nature of the beast

    Tome 97
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -98- Walking the dog

    Tome 98
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -99- Punkin'up the great outdoors

    Tome 99
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -100- Sins of the Father

    Tome 100
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -101- Football: It's a Funny Old Game

    Tome 101
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -102- Difficult beginnings (1)

    Tome 102
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -103- Difficult beginnings (2)

    Tome 103
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -104- Difficult beginnings (3)

    Tome 104
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -105- A Taste of Heaven

    Tome 105
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -106- In the line of fire (1)

    Tome 106
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -107- In the line of fire (2)

    Tome 107
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -108- Days of wine and roses

    Tome 108
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -109- The wild hunt

    Tome 109
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -110- Last man standing (1)

    Tome 110
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -111- Last man standing (2)

    Tome 111
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -112- Last man standing (3)

    Tome 112
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -113- Last man standing (4)

    Tome 113
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -114- Last man standing (5)

    Tome 114
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -115- In the red corner

    Tome 115
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -116- Widdershins (1)

    Tome 116
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -117- Widdershins (2)

    Tome 117
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -118- Life and death and taxis

    Tome 118
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -119- Undertow

    Tome 119
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -120- Desesperately seeking something

    Tome 120
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -121- Up the down staircase (1)

    Tome 121
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -122- Up the down staircase (2)

    Tome 122
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -123- Up the down staircase (3)

    Tome 123
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -124- Up the down staircase (4)

    Tome 124
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -125- How to play with fire (1)

    Tome 125
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -126- How to play with fire (2)

    Tome 126
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -127- How to play whith fire (3)

    Tome 127
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -128- How to play with fire (4)

    Tome 128
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -129- Son of man (part 1 of 5)

    Tome 129
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -130- Son of man (part 2 of 5)

    Tome 130
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -131- Son of man (part 3 of 5)

    Tome 131
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -132- Son of man (4)

    Tome 132
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -133- Son of man (part 5 of 5)

    Tome 133
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -134- Haunted (1)

    Tome 134
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -135- Haunted (2)

    Tome 135
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -136- Haunted (3)

    Tome 136
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -137- Haunted (4)

    Tome 137
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -138- Haunted (5)

    Tome 138
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -139- Haunted (6)

    Tome 139
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -140- Locked

    Tome 140
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -141- The crib

    Tome 141
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -142- Setting sun

    Tome 142
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -143- Telling tales

    Tome 143
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -144- Ashes and honey (1)

    Tome 144
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -145- Ashes and honey (2)

    Tome 145
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -146- Hard times (1)

    Tome 146
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -147- Hard times (2)

    Tome 147
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -148- Hard times (3)

    Tome 148
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -149- Hard times (4)

    Tome 149
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -150- Hard times (5)

    Tome 150
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -151- Good intentions (1)

    Tome 151
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -152- Good intentions (2)

    Tome 152
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -153- Good intentions (3)

    Tome 153
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -154- Good intentions (4)

    Tome 154
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -155- Good intentions (5)

    Tome 155
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -156- Good intentions (6)

    Tome 156
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -157- ... and Buried?

    Tome 157
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -158- ...freezes over

    Tome 158
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -159- ...freezes over (2)

    Tome 159
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -160- ...freezes over (3)

    Tome 160
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -161- ...freezes over (4)

    Tome 161
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -162- Lapdogs and englishmen (1)

    Tome 162
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -163- Lapdogs and englishmen (2)

    Tome 163
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -164- Highwater (1)

    Tome 164
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -165- Highwater (2)

    Tome 165
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -166- Highwater (3)

    Tome 166
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -167- Highwater (4)

    Tome 167
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -168- A fresh coat of red paint

    Tome 168
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -169- Chasing Demons

    Tome 169
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -170- Ashes and dust (1)

    Tome 170
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -171- Ashes & dust in the city of angels (part 2 of 4)

    Tome 171
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -172- Ashes & dust in the city of angels (part 3 of 4)

    Tome 172
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -173- Ashes and dust (4)

    Tome 173
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -174- Ashes and dust (5)

    Tome 174
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -175- High on life (1)

    Tome 175
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -176- High on life (2)

    Tome 176
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -177- Red sepulchre (1)

    Tome 177
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -178- Red sepulchre (part 2 of 4)

    Tome 178
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -179- Red sepulchre (part 3 of 4)

    Tome 179
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -180- Red sepulchre (part 4 of 4)

    Tome 180
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -181- The game of cat and mouse

    Tome 181
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -182- Black flowers (part 1 of 2)

    Tome 182
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -183- Black flowers (2)

    Tome 183
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -184- The wild card

    Tome 184
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -185- Ordeal

    Tome 185
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -186- The pit

    Tome 186
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -187- Bred in the bone (part 1 of 2)

    Tome 187
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -188- Bred in the bone (part 2 of 2)

    Tome 188
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -189- Staring at the wall (part 1 of 5)

    Tome 189
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -190- Staring at the wall (2)

    Tome 190
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -191- Staring at the wall (3)

    Tome 191
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -192- Staring at the wall (4)

    Tome 192
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -193- Staring at the wall (5)

    Tome 193
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -194- Ward 24

    Tome 194
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -195- Out of season (1)

    Tome 195
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -196- Out of season (2)

    Tome 196
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -197- Stations of the cross (1)

    Tome 197
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -198- Stations of the cross (2)

    Tome 198
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -199- Stations of the cross (3)

    Tome 199
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -200- Happy families

    Tome 200
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -201- Event horizon

    Tome 201
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -202- Reasons to be cheerful (1)

    Tome 202
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -203- Reasons to be cheerful (2)

    Tome 203
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -204- Reasons to be cheerful (3)

    Tome 204
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -205- Reasons to be cheerful (4)

    Tome 205
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -206- Cross purpose

    Tome 206
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -207- Down in the ground where the dead men go (1)

    Tome 207
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -208- Down in the ground where the dead men go (2)

    Tome 208
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -209- Down in the ground where the dead men go (3)

    Tome 209
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -210- Down in the ground where the dead men go (4)

    Tome 210
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -211- Down in the ground where the dead men go (5)

    Tome 211
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -212- Down in the ground where the dead men go (6)

    Tome 212
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -213- The gift

    Tome 213
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -214- R.S.V.P. (1)

    Tome 214
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -215- R.S.V.P. (2)

    Tome 215
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -216- Empathy is the enemy (1)

    Tome 216
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -217- Empathy is the enemy (2)

    Tome 217
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -218- Empathy is the enemy (3)

    Tome 218
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -219- Empathy is the enemy (4)

    Tome 219
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -220- Empathy is the enemy (5)

    Tome 220
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -221- Empathy is the enemy (6)

    Tome 221
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -222- Empathy is the enemy (7)

    Tome 222
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -223- The season of the zealot

    Tome 223
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -224- The red right hand (1)

    Tome 224
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -225- The red right hand (2)

    Tome 225
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -226- The red right hand (3)

    Tome 226
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -227- The red right hand (4)

    Tome 227
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -228- The red right hand (5)

    Tome 228
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -229- With a little help from my friends

    Tome 229
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -230- In at the Deep End - Part 1

    Tome 230
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -231- In at the Deep End - Part 2

    Tome 231
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -232- Wheels of Chance, Systems of Control

    Tome 232
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -233- Wheels of Chance, Systems of Control, part 2

    Tome 233
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -234- Joyride - Part I

    Tome 234
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -235- Joyride - Part II

    Tome 235
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -236- Joyride - Part III

    Tome 236
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -237- Joyride - Part IV

    Tome 237
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -238- The Smoke

    Tome 238
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -239- The Passage

    Tome 239
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -240- The Laughing Magician - Part one

    Tome 240
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -241- The Laughing Magician - Part two

    Tome 241
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -242- The Laughing Magician - Conclusion

    Tome 242
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -243- The Mortification of the Flesh - Part one

    Tome 243
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -244- The Mortification of the Flesh - Part two

    Tome 244
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -245- Newcastle Calling, Part One of Two

    Tome 245
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -246- Newcastle Calling, Part Two of Two

    Tome 246
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -247- The Roots of Coincidence, Part One

    Tome 247
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -248- The Roots of Coincidence, Part Two

    Tome 248
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -249- The Roots of Coincidence, Part Three

    Tome 249
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -250- Holiday spécial

    Tome 250
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -251- Secrets and lies (1)

    Tome 251
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -252- Secrets and lies (2)

    Tome 252
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -253- Secrets and lies (3)

    Tome 253
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -254- Regeneration (1): plague doctor

    Tome 254
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -255- Regeneration (2): unquiet spirit

    Tome 255
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -256- Hooked (1)

    Tome 256
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -257- Hooked (2)

    Tome 257
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -258- Hooked (3)

    Tome 258
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -259- The cottage

    Tome 259
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -260- The long crap friday

    Tome 260
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -261- India (1)

    Tome 261
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -262- India (2)

    Tome 262
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -263- India (3)

    Tome 263
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -264- India (4)

    Tome 264
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -265- No future (1)

    Tome 265
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -266- No future (2)

    Tome 266
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -267- Sectioned (1)

    Tome 267
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -268- Sectioned (2)

    Tome 268
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -269- Sectioned (3)

    Tome 269
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -270- Sectioned (4)

    Tome 270
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -271- Bloody carnations (1)

    Tome 271
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -272- Bloody carnations (2)

    Tome 272
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -273- Bloody carnations (3)

    Tome 273
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -274- Bloody carnations (4)

    Tome 274
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -275- Bloody carnations (5)

    Tome 275
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -276- High frequency man

    Tome 276
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -277- Phantom pains (1)

    Tome 277
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -278- Phantom pains (2)

    Tome 278
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -279- Phantom pains (3)

    Tome 279
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -280- Phantom pains (4)

    Tome 280
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -281- Phantom pains (5)

    Tome 281
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -282- Inside

    Tome 282
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -283- The devil's trench coat (1)

    Tome 283
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -284- The devil's trench coat (2)

    Tome 284
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -285- The devil's trench coat (3)

    Tome 285
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -286- The devil's trench coat (4)

    Tome 286
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -287- Another season in hell (1)

    Tome 287
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -288- Another season in hell (2)

    Tome 288
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -289- Another season in hell (3)

    Tome 289
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -290- Another season in hell (4)

    Tome 290
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -291- Another season in hell (epilogue)

    Tome 291
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -292- The house of wolves

    Tome 292
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -293- The curse of the Constantines (1): The stolen child

    Tome 293
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -294- The curse of the constantines (2) :the writing on the wall

    Tome 294
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -295- The curse of the Constantine (3): the hungry grass

    Tome 295
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -296- The curse of the Constantines (4): a good man

    Tome 296
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -297- The curse of the Constantines (5): the two deaths of Eva Brady

    Tome 297
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -298- Death and cigarettes part 1: the fates

    Tome 298
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -299- Death and cigarettes part 2: post mortem

    Tome 299
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -300- Death and cigarettes (finale) : ash

    Tome 300
  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -AN01- The Bloody Saint

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -AN2011- Annual 2011: Suicide bridge

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -HS- Hellblazer Special

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -HS- John constantine, hellblazer: 30th anniversary celebration

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT- Shoot

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT- Vertigo Resurrected: Hellblazer #1

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-01- Original sins

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-02- The Devil You Know

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-03- The Fear Machine

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-04- The Family Man

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-05- Dangerous Habits

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-07- Fear and loathing

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-08- Tainted Love

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-09- Damnation's Flame

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-10- Rake at the Gates of Hell

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-11- Rare Cuts

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-12- Son of Man

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-13a- Haunted

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-14- Setting Sun

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-15- Hard Time

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-16- Good Intentions

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-17a- Freezes Over

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-18- Highwater

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-19- Red Sepulchre

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-20- Black Flowers

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-21- Staring at The Wall

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-22- Stations of The Cross

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-23- Reasons to Be Cheerful

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-24- The Gift

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-25- Empathy is the Enemy

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-26- The Red Right Hand

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-27- Joyride

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-29- The Roots of Coincidence

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-30- Scab

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-31- Hooked

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-32- India

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-33- Bloody Carnations

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-34- Phantom Pains

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-35- The Devil's Trench Coat

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT-36- Death and Cigarettes

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT01- Original Sins

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT02- The devil You Know

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT03- The Fear Machine

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT04- The Family Man

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT05- Dangerous Habits

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT06- Bloodlines

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT07- Tainted Love

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT08- Rake at the Gates of Hell

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT09- Critical Mass

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT10- In the Line of Fire

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT11- Last Man Standing

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT12- How to play with fire

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT13- Haunted

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -INT14- Good Intentions

  • Hellblazer (DC comics - 1988) -OMNI01- Hellblazer by Garth Ennis Omnibus


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