Hawkeye & The Thunderbolts (2016)
INT01. Hawkeye & The Thunderbolts volume 1
Une BD de
Kurt Busiek
Mark Bagley
chez Marvel Comics
- 2016
Busiek, Kurt
Nicieza, Fabian
Bagley, Mark
Manco, Leonardo
Breyfogle, Norm
Howell, Richard
Rosas, Joe
Hanna, Scott
Vey, Al
Adams, Greg
Bagley, Mark
Horie, Richard
Hanna, Scott
04/2016 (04 mai 2016) 456 pages 9780785195283 Format comics 280989
Heeeeere's Hawkeye! Your favorite ex-bad guys are determined to break good, now that the ultimate reformed criminal is here to usher them into the big leagues of herodom -the Avenging Archer himself, Clint Barton! But can the Thunderbolts' new leader fend off the old one, Citizen V? Or the Crimson Cowl and her new Masters of Evil? And just who is under that white mask and that red hood now anyway?