Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.1 (1990)
INT03. by Jim Valentino volume 3
Une BD de
Jim Valentino
chez Marvel Comics
- 2015
Valentino, Jim
Drake, Arnold
Gallagher, Mike
Valentino, Jim
Colan, Gene
Texeira, Mark
Trimpe, Herb
Skelton, Deryl
Carr, Steven
Stein, Evelyn
10/2015 (04 novembre 2015) 312 pages 9780785198123 Format comics 262226
Jim Valentino completes his explosive exploration of the Marvel Universe of the 31st Century! The original-and-future Guardians welcome the return of their ally Starhawk - but why is that bad news for Major Victory's love life? The ruthless Rancor is also back, and that's trouble for everybody. Will she fi nd her ancestor, Wolverine? Silver Surfer's reappearance may be worst of all - because where he soars, Galactus is sure to follow!
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