Green Lantern: War of the Green Lanterns (2011)
INT. War of the Green Lanterns
Une BD de
Geoff Johns
Doug Mahnke
chez DC Comics
- 2011
Johns, Geoff
Tomasi, Peter J.
Bedard, Tony
Mahnke, Doug
Benes, Ed
Pasarín, Fernando
Kirkham, Tyler
Syaf, Ardian
Eltaeb, Gabe
Ruffino, Nei
Mayor, Randy
Reis, Rod
Leisten, Jay
Purcell, Jack
Irwin, Mark
Nguyen, Tom
Parsons, Sean
Hunter, Rob
Owens, Andy
Smith, Cam
Champagne, Keith
Gray, Mick
Cifuentes, Vicente
Benes, Ed
Alamy, Christian
Wands, Steve
Brosseau, Pat
Leigh, Rob
Napolitano, Nick J.
Reis, Ivan
Reis, Rod
Albert, Oclair
11/2011 242 pages 9781401232344 Format comics 251069
A malevolent force has usurped control over all the Green Lantern power batteries, leaving the Corps powerless except for a select few members. Now it's up to Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart and Sinestro to regain control - but can these warriors overcome their differences in time to save the universe?