Green Lantern Vol.2 (1960)
OMNI02. Green Lantern Omnibus Vol.2
Une BD de
Fox, Gardner
Kane, Gil
chez DC Comics
- 2011
Fox, Gardner
Broome, John
Kane, Gil
Giella, Joe
Greene, Sid
Anderson, Murphy
Giacoia, Frank
Kane, Gil
Anderson, Murphy
11/2011 (29 novembre 2011) 624 pages 9781401232955 Grand format 483001
Written by JOHN BROOME and GARDNER FOX Art by GIL KANE, JOE GIELLA and SID GREENE Cover by GIL KANE and MURPHY ANDERSON A second massive collection of GL epics from issues #22-45! As Hal Jordan becomes a master of his power ring, he faces off against some of his most classic and deadliest foes, including Sinestro, Star Sapphire, Sonar, the Shark and the Tattooed Man.