Green Lantern Vol.2 (1960)
OMNI. The Silver Age Omnibus Vol. 1
Une BD de
John Broome
Kane, Gil
chez DC Comics
- 2023
Broome, John
Fox, Gardner
Kane, Gil
Infantino, Carmine
Andru, Ross
Giella, Joe
Sekowsky, Mike
Giacoia, Frank
Anderson, Murphy
Giella, Joe
Cooke, Darwyn
11/2023 (28 novembre 2023) 998 pages 9781779525826 Grand format 512425
A dying alien. A fearless test pilot. A ring of nearly limitless power. And a solemn vow to battle evil wherever it may be found. So begins one of comics' greatest sagas, and one of its most enduring heroes--Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814! After three wildly successful appearances in Showcase beginning in 1959, Green Lantern was given his own title to journey through time and space, matching cosmic threat against emerald will!