Green Lantern: Tales of the Sinestro Corps (2007)
INT. Tales of the Sinestro Corps
Une BD de
Geoff Johns
Dave Gibbons
chez DC Comics
- 2008
Johns, Geoff
Marz, Ron
Gates, Sterling
Burnett, Alan
Blaine, Patrick
Gibbons, Dave
Prado, Joe
Melo, Adriana
Woods, Pete
Lacombe, Michel
Ordway, Jerry
Wright, Jason
Curiel, David
Lyon, Art
Anderson, Brad
Baumann, Moose
Ramos, Rodney
Leisten, Jay
Alquiza, Marlo
Gibbons, Dave
Woods, Pete
Lacombe, Michel
Ordway, Jerry
Wands, Steve
Fletcher, Jared K.
Brosseau, Pat
Hill, John J.
Leigh, Rob
Cox, Jeromy
Baumann, Moose
Reis, Ivan
Albert, Oclair
06/2008 134 pages 9781401218010 Format comics 293137
The action of The Sinestro Corps War story spills over! Parallax, Anti-Monitor, and the Cyborg Superman are some of the most feared members of the brutal Sinestro Corps, an army assembled with one goal: to spread fear across the galaxy! In this hardcover volume, the layers of these complex villains are stripped away as readers learn why they joined the Sinestro Corps and what drives them to eradicate the Green Lantern Corps. Contents : - "Tales of the Sinestro Corps: Despotellis Spreads Fear" (6 planches parues initialement dans Green Lantern #18)... Lire la suite