Green Lantern Corps (2006)
INT07. Revolt of the Alpha-Lanterns
Une BD de
Bedard, Tony
Syaf, Ardian
chez DC Comics
- 2011
Bedard, Tony
Gates, Sterling
Syaf, Ardian
Mayor, Randy
Major, Guy
Strachan, Carrie
Cifuentes, Vicente
Fridolfs, Derek
Hunter, Rob
Wands, Steve
Cifuentes, Vicente
Arreola, Ulises
Syaf, Ardian
05/2011 (25 mai 2011) 154 pages 9781401231392 Format comics 264291
In the wake of BLACKEST NIGHT and the dawn of BRIGHTEST DAY, the Alpha Lanterns seek to force Green Lanterns John Stewart, Kyle Rayner and former Guardian Ganthet into their ranks. Will they be able to resist, stop the revolt of the Alpha Lanterns led by their evil mastermind, Cyborg Superman, and discover his sinister new secret agenda?
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