72. The collection 2019
Une BD de Giles chez Hamlyn (Giles Annuals) - 2018
09/2018 (06 septembre 2018) 160 pages 9780600634751 A l'italienne 353221
The 2019 collection takes a wry look at how Giles observed the most seismic and superficial events of his time. From January to December throughout the years, the common threads of life then and now are scrupulously interrogated under his pen. Treating perennial occupations such as Christmas parties, royal weddings and petrol prices with the same rigour as space travel, nuclear anxieties and perpetual debates about the EU, Giles investigates the weighty and the whimsical in equal measure. Fans of Giles will be thrilled to receive the latest annual... Lire la suite
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