Gates of Eden (1982)
Welcome to the Gates of Eden
Une BD de
Steve Leialoha
Philip Craig Russell
chez FantaCo Enterprises
- 1982
Leialoha, Steve
Gilbert, Michael T.
Russell, Philip Craig
Robbins, Trina
Hembeck, Fred
Geary, Rick
Marrs, Lee
Rudahl, Sharon
Hallgren, Gary
Geary, Rick
Hembeck, Fred
Robbins, Trina
Deitch, Kim
Gilbert, Michael T.
Russell, Philip Craig
Jones, Jeffrey G.
Byrne, John
Kaluta, Mike
06/1982 30 pages Grand format 415827
Get a load of this lineup: Steve Leialoha, John Byrne, Foolbert Sturgeon, Jim Starlin, Rick Griffin, Michael T. Gilbert, Fred Hembeck, Trina Robbins, Lee Marrs, Jeffrey Jones, P. Craig Russell, Rick Geary, Kim Deitch, Spain, Sharon Rudahl, Gary Hallgren and John Caldwell! The last page advertises the never-printed second issue