Gambit Vol.5 (2012)
INT01. Once a Thief...
Une BD de
James Asmus
Clay Mann
chez Marvel Comics
- 2013
Asmus, James
Mann, Clay
Barrionuevo, Al
Kirk, Leonard
Neves, Diogenes
Rosenberg, Rachelle
Mann, Clay
03/2013 (03 avril 2013) 152 pages 9780785165477 Format comics 188201
When Marvel's premiere thief sets his sights on his biggest score yet, he may just end up over his head. Desperately searching for a means to destroy the pilfered artifact that's cursed him, Gambit journeys deep into the Guatemalan jungles in search of a lost temple - but finds an ancient god-monster accidentally loosed on Earth! It's going to take more than just playing cards and southern charm to get out of this one! Then, coerced by a criminal mastermind, Gambit is sent to the United Kingdom to heist the greatest weapon in the history of man:... Lire la suite