Flirt ! The Art of Naughty
1. Flirt ! The Art of Naughty - Volume 1
Une BD de
Carlos Cartagena
chez SQP Inc.
- 2002
Cartagena, Carlos
Gallimore, Sean
Cartagena, Carlos
Gallimore, Sean
Cartagena, Carlos
Gallimore, Sean
04/2002 (24 avril 2002) 0865620512 Format normal 75 à 100 euros 362075
Pin-up art has been appreciated for decades - a guilty pleasure that's kept generations of pop art aficionados smiling quietly to themselves! Now it?s recognized throughout the world as a valid artform, and hangs in the most prestigious art galleries, fetching sky-high prices. To honor the best and newest in the field, FLIRT! takes an up-close and personal look at the artists who make bad girls look soooo good! In this premiere volume, the illustrations of fantasy greats Carlos Cartegena and Sean Gallimore are showcased. It's a full color extravaganza,... Lire la suite