The flash Vol.2 (1987)
Int2006. Rogue War
Une BD de
Geoff Johns
Howard Porter
chez DC Comics
- 2006
Johns, Geoff
Porter, Howard
Snejbjerg, Peter
Cummings, Steven
Sinclair, James
Snejbjerg, Peter
Faucher, Wayne
Livesay, John
Wong, Walden
Fletcher, Jared K.
Brosseau, Pat
Leigh, Rob
Porter, Howard
Livesay, John
01/2006 (18 janvier 2006) 9781401209247 Format comics 238035
The brewing contest between the original rogues gallery and the newest rogues ignites into a conflagration that may result in the destruction of Keystone City and the death of the Scarlet Speedster!
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