Fear Itself: Deadpool (2011)
2. Walrus by night!
Une BD de
Christopher Hastings
Bong Dazo
chez Marvel Comics
(Marvel Limited Series)
- 2011
Hastings, Christopher
Dazo, Bong
Milla, Matt
Pimentel, Joe
Bowland, Simon
Rauch, John
Stegman, Ryan
Babinski, Michael
Quesada, Joe
Lowe, Nick
Alonso, Axel
Fine, Alan
Buckley, Dan
White, Jordan D.
Mederos, Manny
09/2011 36 pages Format comics 136310
Deadpool learned well that when the world is shaken with fear, there's only one thing to do—CASH IN BIGTIME. Frightened people will pay through the nose for some security...but why should he risk his neck fighting The Worthy when he can create his own, easily-beatable hammer-wielder? Enter: THE WALRUS! A foe Deadpool can defeat with both hands tied behind his back....or can he?