Fall of the House of X (2024)
1VC. Issue #1
Une BD de
Gerry Duggan
Lucas Werneck
chez Marvel Comics
- 2024
Duggan, Gerry
Werneck, Lucas
Valenza, Bryan
Werneck, Lucas
Lanham, Travis
Lau, Stanley
03/2024 (03 janvier 2024) 30 pages Format comics 492254
RAKOA HAS JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT! Mutantkind has never had a greater fall. From the highs of Krakoa—their own glorious nation, a place where they were safe and happy—to the lowest of lows. Outlawed, hunted, killed, most of their kind missing or dead, and now, one their greatest leaders, Cyclops, is on trial facing a death penalty. Ready or not, the time has come for the X-Men to make their final stand against the forces that have struck them low. The day is now. The place is here. The tale of the house Xavier built will long be told…and few will forget... Lire la suite