Essential: The Defenders (2005)
INT06. Volume 6
Une BD de
John Marc DeMatteis
Perlin, D. David
chez Marvel Comics
- 2011
DeMatteis, John Marc
Grant, Steven
Gruenwald, Mark
Perlin, D. David
Perlin, D. David
Buscema, Sal
Milgrom, Al
Gammill, Kerry
Plunkett, Sandy
09/2011 (12 octobre 2011) 528 pages 9780785157540 Format comics 173871
The Hulk! Dr. Strange! Namor! The Silver Surfer! The Beast! Valkyrie! Along their offbeat allies, they are the Defenders! Witness their amazing adventures in Asgard, against all-powerful aliens, in Hell and in a dimension of rhyming aliens! Plus: the secret origins of Valkyrie and the truth behind the Elf with a Gun!