Essential: Captain America (2000)
INT07. Volume 7
Une BD de
Roger McKenzie
Buscema, Sal
chez Marvel Comics
- 2013
McKenzie, Roger
Stern, Roger
Grant, Steven
Mantlo, Bill
Gillis, Peter B.
Barr, Mike
Elias, Lee
Kida, Fred
Springer, Frank
Perlin, Don
Bingham, Jerry
Infantino, Carmine
Colan, Gene
Byrne, John
Buscema, Sal
Byrne, John
06/2013 (24 juillet 2013) 528 pages 9780785184096 Format comics 194432
It's action aplenty as the star-spangled Avenger takes on -- and is brainwashed by -- the hate group National Force! But what shocking secret does its leader the Grand Director hold, and who's really pulling the strings? The answers will cost Captain America dearly! Next, Cap breaks into an impenetrable safe house, clashes with the Punisher while investigating a mob hit, battles the grotesque Adonis, and teams with Nazi hunters to right a decades-old wrong! Then, all-star creators Roger Stern and John Byrne take the helm, putting Cap through his... Lire la suite