Edge of Spider-Verse (2014)
3. Aaron Aikman the Spider-Man
Une BD de
Dustin Weaver
chez Marvel Comics
- 2014
Weaver, Dustin
Weaver, Dustin
Weaver, Dustin
Cowles, Clayton
11/2014 (24 septembre 2014) 20 pages Format comics 226703
Dustin Weaver's first foray into writing for Marvel is spun in the webs of "Edge of Spider-Verse" #3, as he introduces readers to a universe where only the name Spider-Man is familiar. First blush visuals puts Aaron Aikman's look squarely between Peter Parker and Otto Octavius (with an alliterative name to boot), but Weaver has made it clear on his blog that John Lennon's appearance is a heavy factor in the look Aikman sports throughout this issue...