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  • Se souvenir de moi
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Couverture de Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -14- KIng Bacchus part 13
©Eddie Campbell Comics 1996 Campbell
Parution en 06/1996. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 27/12/2017 (Dernière modification le 27/12/2017 à 20:02) par jmc95

Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995)

14. KIng Bacchus part 13

Une BD de chez Eddie Campbell Comics - 1996
Campbell, Eddie (Scénario) Campbell, Eddie (Dessin) <N&B> (Couleurs) Mullins, Pete (Encrage)

06/1996 28 pages Format comics Moins 5 euros 318689

  • Currently 0.00/10
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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -1- The face on the bar-room floor

    Tome 1
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -2- King Bacchus part 1

    Tome 2
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -3- King Bacchus part 2

    Tome 3
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -4- King Bacchus part 3

    Tome 4
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -5- King Bacchus part 4

    Tome 5
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -6- King Bacchus part 5

    Tome 6
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -7- King Bacchus part 6

    Tome 7
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -8- King Bacchus part 7

    Tome 8
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -9- KIng Bacchus part 8

    Tome 9
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -10- On the banks of the genepool

    Tome 10
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -11- King Bacchus part 10

    Tome 11
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -12- King Bacchus part 11

    Tome 12
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -13- King Bacchus part 12

    Tome 13
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -14- KIng Bacchus part 13

    Tome 14
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -15- King Bacchus part 14

    Tome 15
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -16- Eye Witness Accounts

    Tome 16
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -17- Introducing the Acolyte

    Tome 17
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -18- Visiting privileges

    Tome 18
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -19- A breath of fresh air

    Tome 19
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -20- Eulogies for Santa Claus

    Tome 20
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -21- The away team

    Tome 21
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -22- Judge not...

    Tome 22
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -23- Porcelain patrol

    Tome 23
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -24- Potatoes of the night

    Tome 24
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -25- Jailhouse rock

    Tome 25
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -26- The snatching of miss July

    Tome 26
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -27- Crime of Fashion

    Tome 27
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -28- The murder ballad

    Tome 28
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -29- The flag of civilization

    Tome 29
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -30- Piltdown park

    Tome 30
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -31- Ye gods

    Tome 31
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -32- The city of brass

    Tome 32
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -33- The stroke of change which comes like a traveller in the night

    Tome 33
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -34- The forriners

    Tome 34
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -35- What does it all mean? asked the Caliph

    Tome 35
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -36- Have as many eyes as you like

    Tome 36
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -37- What business is it of yours? asked the Sultan with a smile

    Tome 37
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -38- Money

    Tome 38
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -39- Wallyhood

    Tome 39
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -40- Sure enough

    Tome 40
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -41- The fan

    Tome 41
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -42- Where?

    Tome 42
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -43- The final night

    Tome 43
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -44- After the snooter

    Tome 44
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -45- On the Streets Where I Live

    Tome 45
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -46- Grooming yocky's arse

    Tome 46
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -47- Running a publishing house out of the front door

    Tome 47
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -48- The millennium world tour

    Tome 48
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -49- Used cars dealers are human too

    Tome 49
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -50- Another sleepless night

    Tome 50
  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -HS- The Ghost In The Glass

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -HS- The 1001 nights of Bacchus

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT01- Immortality isn't Forever

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT02- The Gods of Business

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT03- Doing The Island With Bacchus

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT04- The Eyeball Kid: One Man Show

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT05- Earth, Water, Air & Fire

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT06- 1001 Nights of Bacchus

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT07/08- The Eyeball Kid Double Bill

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT09- King Bacchus

  • Eddie Campbell's Bacchus (1995) -INT10- Banged Up


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