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  • Se souvenir de moi
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Couverture de Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -69- Down among the underpinnings
©DC Comics 1993 Pollack/Medley
Parution en 08/1993. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 14/04/2018 (Dernière modification le 14/04/2018 à 20:09) par Jean-Phi

Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987)

69. Down among the underpinnings

Une BD de et Linda Medley chez DC Comics (Vertigo) - 1993
Pollack, Rachel (Scénario) Medley, Linda (Dessin) Ziuko, Tom (Couleurs) Higgins, Graham (Encrage) Taggart, Tom (Couverture)

08/1993 24 pages Format comics 329383

  • Currently 0.00/10
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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -1- The Doom Patrol!

    Tome 1
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -2- Satellite of Doom

    Tome 2
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -3- The fire of the gods

    Tome 3
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -4- Trouble in Kansas City

    Tome 4
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -5- Natural order

    Tome 5
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -6- Heroes and villains!

    Tome 6
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -7- The Kids' Night Out

    Tome 7
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -8- The morning after

    Tome 8
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -9- It's raining plastic men

    Tome 9
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -10- The soul of the machine

    Tome 10
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -11- Betrayed by Barry Trainor

    Tome 11
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -12- Invasion

    Tome 12
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -13- Power and chaos

    Tome 13
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -14- Order and Doom

    Tome 14
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -15- Hail to the Chief!

    Tome 15
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -16- Reunion

    Tome 16
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -17- From Gil'dishpan With Doom

    Tome 17
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -18- Endings... Beginnings!

    Tome 18
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -19- Crawling from the wreckage part 1 of 4

    Tome 19
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -20- Crawling from the wreckage part 2 of 4: Cautionary tales

    Tome 20
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -21- Crawling from the wreckage part 3 of 4: Worlds in collision

    Tome 21
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -22- Crawling from the wreckage part 4 of 4: The ossuary

    Tome 22
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -23- The butterfly collector

    Tome 23
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -24- The house that Jack built

    Tome 24
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -25- Imaginary friends

    Tome 25
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -26- Nowhere man

    Tome 26
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -27- The painting that ate Paris

    Tome 27
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -28- Labyrinths

    Tome 28
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -29- The kingdom of No

    Tome 29
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -30- Going underground

    Tome 30
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -31- The world made flesh

    Tome 31
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -32- Decreator

    Tome 32
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -33- The puppet theater

    Tome 33
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -34- The soul of a new machine

    Tome 34
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -35- Down paradise way

    Tome 35
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -36- Box of delights

    Tome 36
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -37- Persephone

    Tome 37
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -38- Lost in space

    Tome 38
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -39- Bell, book, and candle

    Tome 39
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -40- Battlefield of dreams

    Tome 40
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -41- Fallen angel

    Tome 41
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -42- Musclebound

    Tome 42
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -43- Anyhow stories

    Tome 43
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -44- Voices

    Tome 44
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -45- The beard hunter

    Tome 45
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -46- Aftermath

    Tome 46
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -47- The world, the flesh, and the devil

    Tome 47
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -48- Entertaining Mr. Evans

    Tome 48
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -49- Death in Venice

    Tome 49
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -50- Tales of Hofmann

    Tome 50
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -51- Magic bus

    Tome 51
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -52- After the cabaret

    Tome 52
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -53- And men shall call him Hero

    Tome 53
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -54- Aenigma regis

    Tome 54
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -55- The blood of the lamb

    Tome 55
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -56- Down in the well

    Tome 56
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -57- The nature of the catastrophe

    Tome 57
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -58- In the wonderful land of clockwork

    Tome 58
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -59- Dying inside

    Tome 59
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -60- Brief candles

    Tome 60
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -61-

    Tome 61
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -62- Planet Love

    Tome 62
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -63- The empire of chairs

    Tome 63
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -64- Sliding in the wreckage part one: Burn in the curse

    Tome 64
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -65- Sliding in the wreckage part two: The book of ice

    Tome 65
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -66- Sliding in the wreckage part three: The pig it was that lived

    Tome 66
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -67- Erose in the autos

    Tome 67
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -68- A ticket to the cleaners

    Tome 68
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -69- Down among the underpinnings

    Tome 69
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -70- The laughing game

    Tome 70
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -71- The fox ad the crow

    Tome 71
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -72- The Prince and Princess of Desire

    Tome 72
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -73- The Dream Patrol: Return of the Windowmen

    Tome 73
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -74- Bootleg Steele

    Tome 74
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -75- The Teiresias Wars - Part 1: A Handful Of Dust

    Tome 75
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -76- The Teiresias Wars Part 2: The Hotel Of Lost Light

    Tome 76
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -77- The Teiresias Wars Part 3: The Witness Trees

    Tome 77
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -78- The Teiresias Wars Part 4: The Path Of The Vanished Alphabets

    Tome 78
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -79- The Teiresias Wars Part 5: The Fire Sermon

    Tome 79
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -80- The dogs of soul

    Tome 80
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -81- Two Mad Men With Foreheads And Boots

    Tome 81
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -82- A Swaying Nipple And a Shower Of Gold

    Tome 82
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -83- Remembrance of lives passed

    Tome 83
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -84- Imagine Ari's Friends Part 1: A Song For The Small Face

    Tome 84
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -85- Imagine Ari's Friends Part 2: Gates Of Light

    Tome 85
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -86- Imagine Ari's Friends Part 3: The Cup Of Knowing

    Tome 86
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -87- Imagine Ari's Friends Part 4: A Cry For The Great Face

    Tome 87
  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -AN01- Public works

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -AN02- The Wild, The Good, And The Grown-Up

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT- Book One

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT1- Crawling from the Wreckage

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT2- The Painting That Ate Paris

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT3- Down Paradise Way

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT4- Musclebound

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT5- Magic Bus

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -INT6- Planet Love

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -OMNI- Doom Patrol Omnibus

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -SP- Doom Force Special

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -SP1- Official index 1/2

  • Doom Patrol Vol.2 (1987) -SP2- Official index 2/2


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