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Couverture de Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -91- Mento: The Man Who Split the Doom Patrol
©National comics publications 1964 Drake/Premiani, Bruno
Parution en 11/1964. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 10/04/2018 (Dernière modification le 23/12/2021 à 10:13) par choregraphe

Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964)

91. Mento: The Man Who Split the Doom Patrol

Une BD de et Premiani, Bruno chez National comics publications - 1964
Drake, Arnold (Scénario) Premiani, Bruno (Dessin) <Quadrichromie> (Couleurs) Premiani, Bruno (Encrage) Starkman, Stan (Lettrage) Brown, Bob (Couverture) Schnapp, Ira (Couverture)

11/1964 25 pages Format comics 100 à 150 euros 328897

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -86- (sans titre)

    Tome 86
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -87- The terrible secret of Negative Man

    Tome 87
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -88- The Man Who Lived Twice!

    Tome 88
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -89- The animal-vegetable-mineral menace

    Tome 89
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -90- The Spy Within the Doom Patrol!

    Tome 90
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -91- Mento: The Man Who Split the Doom Patrol

    Tome 91
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -92- The sinister secret of Dr. Tyme

    Tome 92
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -93- Showdown on Nightmare road

    Tome 93
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -94- The nightmare fighters

    Tome 94
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -95- The Menace of the Turnabout Heroes!

    Tome 95
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -96- The day the world went mad

    Tome 96
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -97- The war against the mind slaves

    Tome 97
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -98- The Death of the Doom Patrol!

    Tome 98
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -99- The deadly sting of the bug man

    Tome 99
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -100- The fantastic origins of Beast-Boy

    Tome 100
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -101- I, Kranus, robot emperor

    Tome 101
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -102- 8 against eternity

    Tome 102
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -103- The meteor man

    Tome 103
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -104- The Bride of the Doom Patrol

    Tome 104
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -105- Honeymoon of terror

    Tome 105
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -106- Blood brothers

    Tome 106
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -107- The War over Beast Boy!

    Tome 107
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -108- Kid disaster

    Tome 108
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -109- Mandred the executioner

    Tome 109
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -110- Trial by terror

    Tome 110
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -111- Zarox-13, emperor of the cosmos

    Tome 111
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -112- Brothers in blood

    Tome 112
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -113- Who Dares to Challenge the Arsenal?

    Tome 113
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -114- Kor the conqueror

    Tome 114
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -115- The mutant master

    Tome 115
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -116- Two to get ready... and three to die!

    Tome 116
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -117- The black vulture

    Tome 117
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -118- Videx, monarch of light

    Tome 118
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -119- The shadow of the great guru

    Tome 119
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -120- The rage of the wrecker

    Tome 120
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -121- The Beginning of the End!

    Tome 121
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -122- The A-V-M Menace

    Tome 122
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -123- (sans titre)

    Tome 123
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -124- (sans titre)

    Tome 124
  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -INT01- The Doom Patrol Archives Volume 1

  • Doom Patrol Vol.1 (1964) -INT02- The Doom Patrol Archives Volume 2


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