Deathlok Vol.1 (1990)
1. The Brains of the Outfit
Une BD de
Dwayne McDuffie
Guice, Jackson
chez Marvel Comics
- 1990
McDuffie, Dwayne
Wright, Gregory
Guice, Jackson
Wright, Gregory
Mounts, Paul
Vancata, Brad
Williams, Scott
Starkings, Richard
Jusko, Joe
07/1990 26 pages 0871356686 Format comics 249672
Research scientist Michael Collins discovers that the project in advanced cybernetics which he heads for the mammoth Roxxon Corporation is in actuality an attempt to create the ultimate death-machine for hire an unliving, programmable cyborg of immense power. Collins seeks to bring the nightmarish project to a halt, but is rewarded for his high moral stance by being murdered and then brought back, locked inside the death-machine, becoming the very thing he loathes and fears most Deathlok!