Info édition : noté "première édition" et achevé d'imprimer" en décembre 2021. Avec une galerie de couvertures. Contient: - Dark Crisis FCBD Special Edition 2022 (I) 00.1 "L'histoire de l'univers DC" (Dark Crisis FCBD Special Edition 2022 (I) 00.1 07/2022 - Justice League (IV) 75 "La mort de la Justice League" ( Justice League (IV) 75 "Death of the Justice League" 06/2022 - Dark Crisis FCBD Special Edition 2022 (I) 00.2 "Qui est la Ligue de Justice?" (Dark Crisis FCBD Special Edition 2022 (I) 00.2 "Death of the Justice League" 07/2022 - Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis (I) 01.3 "Survivants" (Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis (I) 01.3 "Survivors" 07/2022.) - Dark Crisis (I) 01 "La Ligue de Justice n'est plus" (Dark Crisis (I) 01 "Chapter One: The Justice League is Dead" 08/2022). - The Flash (V) 783 "A la recherche de Barry Allen (1)" (The Flash (V) 783 "The Search for Barry Allen Part 1" 08/2022. - Dark Crisis (I) 02 "La chute des Titans" (Dark Crisis (I) 02 "Chapter Two: Fall of the Titans" 09/2022). - The Flash (V) 784 "A la recherche de Barry Allen (2)" (The Flash (V) 784 "The Search for Barry Allen Part 2" 09/2022. - Dark Crisis (I) 03 "Camp d'entrainement" (Dark Crisis (I) 03 "Chapter Three: Boot Camp" 10/2022). - The Flash (V) 785 "A la recherche de Barry Allen (3)" (The Flash (V) 785 "The Search for Barry Allen Part 3" 10/2022. - Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman (I) 01 "Tout là-bas" (Dark Crisis: Worlds Without A Justice League: Superman (I) 01 "Out There" 09/2022). - Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Green Lantern (I) 01.1 "Bâtisseur" (Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Green Lantern (I) 01.1 10/2022).