Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League
Une BD de
Tom King
Chris Burnham
chez DC Comics
(Dark Crisis)
- 2022
King, Tom
Burnham, Chris
Lucas, Adriano
Burnham, Chris
Peteri, Troy
Burnham, Chris
Lucas, Adriano
09/2022 30 pages Format comics 456047
Superman story: On a Superman-centric world, Jon Kent grows up helping his father as Superboy. But when Jon learns that there are people suffering on other worlds, Jon questions his father who wants Jon to stay home and protect Earth and not risk drawing the attention of Darkseid's forces to Earth. Aquaman story: Aquaman finds himself in a world where he has everything he wants, as his friends gather to celebrate the wedding of his daughter Andy and Kid Quick. But he realizes that all is not as it seems.