Damage (2018)
7. Doing Damage - Part I
Une BD de
Robert Venditti
Trevor Scott
chez DC Comics
- 2018
Venditti, Robert
Derenick, Tom
Neves, Diogenes
Scott, Trevor
Passalaqua, Allen
Hama, Larry
Derenick, Tom
Parsons, Sean
Napolitano, Tom
Daniel, Tony
Miki, Danny
Morey, Tomeu
07/2018 (18 juillet 2018) 20 pages Format comics 343825
Ethan Avery is Damage, the monstrous brute with unlimited strength for an hour. That’s the (semi) good news. The bad…? Ethan’s on the run from the army that transformed him. Mr. Leash’s metahuman tactical squad is hot on Avery’s trail—what could go wrong when a bunch of bloodthirsty super-soldiers take on a rampaging monstrosity called Damage? PLUS: What is Colonel Jonas’ gut-wrenching reason for running the top-secret superhuman chop shop? Secrets are revealed in part one of the new story “Scuttled.”