DC Universe Presents (2011)
INT03. Black Lightning & Blue Devil
Une BD de
Marc Andreyko
Rocha, Robson
chez DC Comics
(The New 52!)
- 2014
Andreyko, Marc
Bedard, Tony
Keatinge, Joe
Rocha, Robson
Dallocchio, Federico
Pansica, Eduardo
Piña, Javier
Eltaeb, Gabe
Sook, Ryan
02/2014 (26 février 2014) 160 pages 9781401242770 Format comics 217700
From fan-favorite Mark Andreyko comes the next chapter of DC Universe Presents featuring the New 52 debut of Black Lightning and Blue Devil! The team of two VERY different heroes must work together to solve a mystery that could unlock a new corner of the New 52. But danger threatens the uneasy alliance from outside and within as mobster Tobias Whale makes a deal with the demon Neibros that pits the heroes against the damned souls of Los Angeles.