DC Archive Editions-Legion of Super-Heroes
1. Volume 1
Une BD de
Binder, Otto
Curt Swan
chez DC Comics
(DC Archive Editions)
- 1991
Binder, Otto
Siegel, Jerry
Bernstein, Robert
Swan, Curt
Mooney, Jim
Plastino, Al
Papp, George
Forte, John
Taylor, Rick
McCraw, Tom
Forte, John
Papp, George
Plastino, Al
Moldoff, Sheldon
Klein, George
Mooney, Jim
Snapinn, Milt
Letterese, Joe
Swan, Curt
McCraw, Tom
Taylor, Rick
Anderson, Murphy
Klein, George
Kaye, Stan
Schnapp, Ira
Gold, Mike
12/1991 255 pages 9781563890208 Format comics 472825
Cosmic Boy, Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl — these are the brave young adventurers that dared to bring about a new age of heroes! Set in the far-flung future of the 30th century, and representing planets throughout the cosmos, these young heroes must band together to protect the galaxy from space-born threats as great as the universe itself. This beautiful collection brings together the early issues of SUPERBOY, SUPERMAN, ADVENTURE and ACTION COMICS for a definitive Legion compendium.