Clean Room (Vertigo - 2015)
INT02. Exile
Une BD de
Gail Simone
Jon-Davis Hunt
chez DC Comics
- 2017
Simone, Gail
Hunt, Jon-Davis
Winter, Quinton
Klein, Todd
Frison, Jenny
01/2017 (03 janvier 2017) 144 pages 9781401267407 Format comics 302142
Astrid Mueller is a world-famous horror novelist, a publicly reviled huckster and the all-powerful leader of a secretive cult whose tentacles reach into every sphere of American life. She’s also humanity’s last hope. You see, her organization’s apocalyptic beliefs are neither fraud nor fiction. Ever since she was a child, Astrid has been able to see the extradimensional entities preying on our unsuspecting world, and she’s used every ounce of her fame and fortune to stop them. But what if it’s not enough? When a shocking attack takes the seemingly... Lire la suite