Civil War: X-Men (2006)
INT. Civil War: X-Men
Une BD de
David Hine
Yanick Paquette
chez Marvel Comics
- 2007
Hine, David
Paquette, Yanick
Lopresti, Aaron
Peru, Stéphane
LaPointe, Serge
Leisten, Jay
Wooton, Rus
04/2007 (25 avril 2007) 112 pages 078512313X Format comics 241244
Enough is enough! The tension between the X-Men, the 198 and the O*N*E* has finally reached a breaking point. As CIVIL WAR rips apart the Marvel Universe, the X-Men also find themselves crumbling from the inside out. Will they admit defeat, or will they finally start to fight back? Collecting CIVIL WAR: X-MEN #1-4.