Civil War: Marvel Universe (2007)
INT. Civil War: Marvel Universe
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Marc Silvestri
chez Marvel Comics
- 2007
Bendis, Brian Michael
Jenkins, Paul
Slott, Dan
Silvestri, Marc
Smith, Paul
Raney, Tom
D'Armata, Frank
Going, Gina
Kemp, Dave
06/2007 (20 juin 2007) 136 pages 0785124705 Format comics 241259
Civil War is encompassing the entire Marvel Universe, and the effects of the war are being felt by every hero, villain and civilian. In Civil War: Choosing Sides, five stories shine a spotlight on the wildcards and impact players whose part in the Civil War has yet to be told - including Daredevil/Iron Fist, U.S.Agent, the Irredeemable Ant-Man, Venom and even... Howard the Duck? Then in Winter Soldier: Winter Kills, James Buchanan Barnes, Captain America's one-time partner Bucky, faces his first Christmas of the 21st century - and the truth of... Lire la suite