The chronicles of King Conan (2010)
INT06. A Death in Stygia and Other Stories
Une BD de
Alan Zelenetz
Marc Silvestri
chez Dark Horse Comics
(Dark Horse Books)
- 2013
Zelenetz, Alan
Kraar, Don
Silvestri, Marc
Isherwood, Geof
Roussos, George
Nichols, Art
Kaluta, Mike
09/2013 (16 octobre 2013) 208 pages 9781616551957 Format comics 210516
"The queen is troubled." After the loss of the barbarian king's son, Conan's dark mood draws him further each day from his kingdom and his beloved queen, and her fears grow that her love is not enough to hold him. Have twenty years of civilization and the regal life quelled the Cimmerian's savage nature, or will Conan abandon hearth and home for the call of the wild? The Chronicles of King Conan furthers the legend of Robert E. Howard's epic creation, collecting for the first time the long out-of-print Conan the King tales originally published... Lire la suite