The chronicles of Conan (2003)
INT27. Sands Upon the Earth and Other Stories
Une BD de
Owsley, Jim
Val Semeiks
chez Dark Horse Comics
(Dark Horse Books)
- 2014
Owsley, Jim
Semeiks, Val
Semeiks, Val
Alcalá, Alfredo
Isherwood, Geof
Roussos, George
Semeiks, Val
06/2014 (16 juillet 2014) 224 pages 9781616553739 Format comics 221891
He is known as "The Great Devil"--Heku, warlord of the eastern kingdoms, commander of a horde likened to the sands upon the earth. More than conquest, Heku desires the return of his son, Kobe, once coldly given as a gift to a king but now Conan's comrade and unwilling to return to his father's evil embrace. All Kobe has between him and Heku's host is his sword and Conan's friendship, a bond stronger than steel! The Chronicles of Conan collects classic Conan the Barbarian tales never-before collected and unavailable for over a quarter of a century.