The chronicles of Conan (2003)
INT06. The Curse of the Golden Skull and Other Stories
Une BD de
Roy Thomas
John Buscema
chez Dark Horse Comics
(Dark Horse Books)
- 2004
Thomas, Roy
Buscema, John
Adams, Neal
Buckler, Rich
Adams, Neal
11/2004 (08 décembre 2004) 160 pages 9781593072742 Format comics 194349
In the eight decades that have passed since prolific pulp writer Robert E. Howard created his seminal Sword and Sorcery adventurer, Conan, many other scribes have tried to recreate the passion and energy Howard infused into his stories. Few have come as close as comics writer Roy Thomas did during his long and influential run on Marvel's monthly Conan the Barbarian series back in the 1970s. Collaborating with the most acclaimed and talented artists of the time, Thomas wove a narrative tapestry of action, intrigue, and heroism that's as powerful... Lire la suite