The chronicles of Conan (2003)
INT03. The Monster of the Monoliths and Other Stories
Une BD de
Roy Thomas
Windsor-Smith, Barry
chez Dark Horse Comics
(Dark Horse Books)
- 2004
Thomas, Roy
Windsor-Smith, Barry
Kane, Gil
Windsor-Smith, Barry
01/2004 (04 février 2004) 156 pages 9781593070243 Format comics 194342
This is the third volume in a series collecting the early Conan comic book stories by Roy Thomas and Barry Windsor-Smith. Originally created in the 1930s, Robert E. Howard's Conan the Barbarian has survived to emerge as one of this century's most powerful and popular characters. Even more impressive than the character's lasting appeal over the past seven decades, is the caliber of talent involved in all of the various Conan incarnations. Of those, there are few that speak as clearly and as uniquely as artist Barry Windsor-Smith. Over the course... Lire la suite