The chilling Archives of Horror Comics!
1. Dick Briefer's Frankenstein
Une BD de
Briefer, Dick
chez IDW Publishing
- 2010
Briefer, Dick
Briefer, Dick
Toth, Alex
Yoe, Craig
10/2010 156 pages 9781600107221 Format normal 413128
The first volume in Yoe Book's thrilling new series, "The Masters of Horror Comic Book Library," fittingly features the first and foremost maniacal monster of all time... Frankenstein! Dick Briefer is one of the seminal artists who worked with Will Eisner on some of the very first comic books. If you like the comic-book weirdness of cartoonists Fletcher Hanks, Basil Wolverton, and Boody Rogers, you're sure to thrill over Dick Briefer's creation of Frankenstein. The large-format book lovingly reproduces a monstrous number of stories from the original... Lire la suite