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Couverture de Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -31- The Beginning Of The End!
©Marvel Comics 1974 Starlin, Jim
Parution en 03/1974. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 19/04/2016 (Dernière modification le 20/04/2016 à 09:52) par jmc95

Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968)

31. The Beginning Of The End!

Une BD de chez Marvel Comics - 1974
Starlin, Jim (Scénario) Starlin, Jim (Dessin) Starlin, Jim (Couleurs) Milgrom, Al (Encrage) Green, Dan (Encrage)

03/1974 Format comics 278654

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -12- The Moment of... the ManSlayer!

    Tome 12
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -13- Traitor or heroes?

    Tome 13
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -14- When a Galaxy Beckons...

    Tome 14
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -17- And a Child Shall Lead You!

    Tome 17
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -18- Captain Marvel

    Tome 18
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -19- The Mad Master Of The Murder Maze

    Tome 19
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -22- Megaton - - The Atomic Assassin!

    Tome 22
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -23- Beware The Living H-Bomb!

    Tome 23
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -31- The Beginning Of The End!

    Tome 31
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -33- The god himself

    Tome 33
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -34- Blown away

    Tome 34
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -35- Deadly genesis

    Tome 35
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -36- Watching and waiting...

    Tome 36
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -37- Lift-off

    Tome 37
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -38- No way out

    Tome 38
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -39- The trial of the watcher

    Tome 39
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -40- Rocky mountain, bye!

    Tome 40
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -41- Havoc on homeworld

    Tome 41
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -42- Shoot out at the OK space station

    Tome 42
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -43- Destroy ! Destroy !

    Tome 43
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -44- Death throws

    Tome 44
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -45- The bi-centennial

    Tome 45
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -46- Only one can win

    Tome 46
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -47- Crisis

    Tome 47
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -48- Crucible

    Tome 48
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -49- Aslylum earth

    Tome 49
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -50- To begin anew

    Tome 50
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -51- Til death do us part

    Tome 51
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -52- Captain Marvel: wanted

    Tome 52
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -53- The war of three galaxies

    Tome 53
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -54- The big bang theory

    Tome 54
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -55- Beneth the mask a man

    Tome 55
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -56- Survival quest

    Tome 56
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -57- Star burst

    Tome 57
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -58- A destroyer denied

    Tome 58
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -59- The trouble with Titan

    Tome 59
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -60- Moon-traps and paradise

    Tome 60
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -61- Chaos and the pit

    Tome 61
  • Captain Marvel Vol.1 (1968) -62- Earth skirmish

    Tome 62

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