Captain America Vol.5 (2005)
OMN03. Captain America lives!
Une BD de
Ed Brubaker
Ross, Luke
chez Marvel Comics
- 2011
Brubaker, Ed
Waid, Mark
Dini, Paul
Stern, Roger
Guice, Butch
Breitweiser, Mitch
Albuquerque, Rafael
Aja, David
Martín, Marcos
Colan, Gene
Eaglesham, Dale
Epting, Steve
Ross, Luke
Chaykin, Howard
Hitch, Bryan
D'Armata, Frank
Ross, Alex
01/2011 (30 mars 2011) 560 pages 9780785145141 Format normal 163948
Steve Rogers' closest friends and allies may have found a way to bring back Captain America. Or is what they found something more sinister? The Red Skull's greatest plan to destroy Captain America has been in motion and its completion is almost at hand. Will Captain America be lost forever or will he be REBORN?
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