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Couverture de Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -OMN03- Captain America lives!
©Marvel Comics 2011 Brubaker/Ross, Luke
Parution le 30/03/2011. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 20/05/2012 (Dernière modification le 14/03/2022 à 21:35) par choregraphe

Captain America Vol.5 (2005)

OMN03. Captain America lives!

Une BD de et Ross, Luke chez Marvel Comics - 2011

01/2011 (30 mars 2011) 560 pages 9780785145141 Format normal 163948

Steve Rogers' closest friends and allies may have found a way to bring back Captain America. Or is what they found something more sinister? The Red Skull's greatest plan to destroy Captain America has been in motion and its completion is almost at hand. Will Captain America be lost forever or will he be REBORN?

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Note: 5.0/5 (1 vote)

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -1- Out Of Time (Part 1)

    Tome 1
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -2- Out Of Time (Part 2)

    Tome 2
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -3- Out Of Time (Part 3)

    Tome 3
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -4- Out Of Time (Part 4)

    Tome 4
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -5- Out Of Time (Part 5)

    Tome 5
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -6- Out Of Time (Part 6)

    Tome 6
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -7- Interlude: The Lonesome Death Of Jack Monroe

    Tome 7
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -8- The Winter Soldier (Part 1)

    Tome 8
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -9- The Winter Soldier (Part 2)

    Tome 9
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -10- House Of M

    Tome 10
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -11- The Winter Soldier (Part 3)

    Tome 11
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -12- The Winter Soldier (Part 4)

    Tome 12
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -13- The Winter Soldier (Part 5)

    Tome 13
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -14- The Winter Soldier (Part 6)

    Tome 14
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -15- Red is the Darkest Color

    Tome 15
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -16- Collision Courses (Part 1)

    Tome 16
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -17- Collision Courses (Part 2)

    Tome 17
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -18- Twenty-First Century Blitz (Part 1)

    Tome 18
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -19- Twenty-First Century Blitz (Part 2)

    Tome 19
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -20- Twenty-First Century Blitz (Part 3)

    Tome 20
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -21- Twenty-First Century Blitz (Part 4)

    Tome 21
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -22- Issue 22

    Tome 22
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -23- Issue 23

    Tome 23
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -24- Issue 24

    Tome 24
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -25- The Death of the Dream: Part One

    Tome 25
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -26- Issue 26

    Tome 26
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -27- Issue 27

    Tome 27
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -28- Issue 28

    Tome 28
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -29- Issue 29

    Tome 29
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -30- Issue 30

    Tome 30
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -31- Issue 31

    Tome 31
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -32- Issue 32

    Tome 32
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -33- Issue 33

    Tome 33
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -34- Issue 34

    Tome 34
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -35- Issue 35

    Tome 35
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -36- Issue 36

    Tome 36
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -37- Issue 37

    Tome 37
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -38- Issue 38

    Tome 38
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -39- Issue 39

    Tome 39
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -40- The Death of Captain America Act 3, the Man Who Bought America: Part Four

    Tome 40
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -41- Issue 41

    Tome 41
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -42- Issue 42

    Tome 42
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -43- Issue 43

    Tome 43
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -44- Issue 44

    Tome 44
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -45- Issue 45

    Tome 45
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -46- Issue 46

    Tome 46
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -47- Issue 47

    Tome 47
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -48- Issue 48

    Tome 48
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -49- Issue 49

    Tome 49
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -50- Days gone by

    Tome 50
  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT01- Winter Soldier, Volume 1

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT02- Winter Soldier, Volume 2

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT03- Red Menace, Volume 1

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT04- Red Menace, Volume 2

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT05- Civil War

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT06- The Death of Captain America 1 : the Death of the Dream

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT07- The Death of Captain America 2 : the Burden of Dreams

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT08- The Death of Captain America 3 : the Man Who Bought America

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT09- The Man With No Face

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -INT10- Road To Reborn

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -OMN01- Volume 1 Omnibus

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -OMN02- The Death of Captain America

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -OMN03- Captain America lives!

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -ULT01- Winter soldier Ultimate collection

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -ULT02- Red menace Ultimate collection

  • Captain America Vol.5 (2005) -ULT03- The Death of Captain America Complete Collection


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